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Articles and Chapters
You can find full texts of all essays on my Academia page.

Gospel of John

(Narrative, Characterization, Textual Criticism, Ethics, Empire Criticism, Reception)

  • “The Reception of John’s Gospel from the Second Century to the Present Day: An Introduction and Overview,” in The Reception of John’s Gospel, vol. 1, ed. Douglas Estes and Christopher W. Skinner (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, forthcoming 2027).

  • “The Reception of Genesis 1 in the Johannine Prologue and Its Implications for John’s Christology,” in Genesis 1-11: Translation, Interpretation, Reception. FS Robert A. DiVito, eds. Olegs Andrejevs and Najeeb Haddad (forthcoming 2026).  

  • “Dualisms in the Gospel of John,” Bible Today 63 (forthcoming 2025). 

  • "The Gospel according to John," in The Cambridge Companion to the Gospels, 2d ed., eds. Stephen C. Barton and Todd Brewer (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021), 199-218.

  • "The Johannine Cross as Revelation of the Father: Finding a Cruciform God in the Fourth Gospel," in Cruciform Scripture: Cross, Participation, Mission, eds. Christopher W. Skinner, Nijay K. Gupta, Andy Johnson, and Drew Strait (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2021), 56-71.

  • "Narrative Readings of the Religious Authorities in John: A Response to Urban C. von Wahlde," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 82 (2020): 424-36.

  • "Ethics and the Gospel of John: Toward an Emerging New Consensus?" Currents in Biblical Research 18.3 (2020): 280-304.

  • "The Good Shepherd παροιμία (John 10:1-21) and John’s Implied Audience: A Thought Experiment in Reading the Fourth Gospel," Horizons in Biblical Theology 40 (2018): 183-202.

  • “'The Good Shepherd Lays Down His Life for the Sheep' (John 10:11, 15, 17): Questioning the Limits of a Johannine Metaphor" Catholic Biblical Quarterly 80 (2018): 97-113.

  • "(How) Can We Talk About Johannine Ethics? Looking Back and Moving Forward," in Johannine Ethics: The Moral World of the Gospel and Epistles and John, eds. Sherri Brown and Christopher W. Skinner (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2017), xvii-xxxvi.

  • "Love One Another: The Johannine Love Command in the Farewell Discourse," in Johannine Ethics: The Moral World of the Gospel and Epistles and John, eds. Sherri Brown and Christopher W. Skinner (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2017), 25-42.

  • "Moving the Conversation Forward---Johannine Ethics in Prospect," in Johannine Ethics: The Moral World of the Gospel and Epistles of John, eds. Sherri Brown and Christopher W. Skinner (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2017), 283-86.

  • "Characterization," in How John Works: Storytelling in the Fourth Gospel, eds. Douglas Estes and Ruth Sheridan (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2016), 115-32.

  • "Overcoming Satan, Overcoming the World: Exploring the Cosmologies of Mark and John," in Evil in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity: Cultural, Historical, and Textual Approaches, eds. Loren Stuckenbruck and Chris Keith (WUNT; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016), 101-21.

  • "'Son of God' or 'God's Chosen One'? A Text-Critical Problem and Its Narrative-Critical Solution (John 1:34)," Bulletin for Biblical Research 25 (2015): 341-57.

  • "John's Gospel and the Roman Imperial Context: An Evaluation of Recent Proposals," in Jesus is Lord, Caesar is Not. Evaluating Empire in New Testament Studies, eds. Scot McKnight and Joseph Modica (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2013), 116-29.

  • “The World (Kosmos): Promise and Unfulfilled Hope," in Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel: Literary Approaches to Seventy Figures in John, eds. Steven Hunt, D. François Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann (WUNT; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013), 61-70.

  • “Malchus: Cutting Up in the Garden (John 18:1-11),” in Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel: Literary Approaches to Seventy Figures in John, eds. Steven Hunt, D. François Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann (WUNT; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013), 568-72.

  • "Characters and Characterization in the Gospel of John: Reflections on the Status Quaestionis," in Characters and Characterization in the Gospel of John, ed. Christopher W. Skinner (LNTS; London: Bloombsury/T&T Clark, 2012), xvii-xxxii.

  • "Misunderstanding, Christology, and Johannine Characterization: Reading John's Characters Through the Lens of the Prologue," in Characters and Characterization in the Gospel of John, ed. Christopher W. Skinner (LNTS; London: Bloomsbury/T&T Clark, 2012), 109-25.

  • "Virtue in the New Testament: The Legacies of John and Paul in Comparative Perspective," in Unity and Diversity in the Gospels and Paul: Essays in Honor of Frank J. Matera, eds. Christopher W. Skinner and Kelly R. Iverson (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2012), 301-24.

  • "Another Look at the Lamb of God [John 1:29,36]," Bibliotheca Sacra 161 (Jan.-Mar. 2004): 189-204.

Gospel of Mark

(Narrative, Characterization, Christology, Textual Criticism, Kingdom of God)

  • “Two Sides of the Same Coin: ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ θεοῦ in the Gospel of Mark. Part Two—Secrecy and the Mysteries of the Kingdom,” (forthcoming 2026). 

  • “Two Sides of the Same Coin: ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ θεοῦ in the Gospel of Mark. Part One—The Immediacy and Power of the Kingdom,” (forthcoming 2025). 

  • "ἐγώ εἰμι in Mark and John: Exploring the Johannine Trajectory of a Received Memory of Jesus,” Biblical Research (forthcoming 2024).

  • "Characterizing Jesus in Mark’s Longer Ending: The Narrative Christological Trajectory of Mark 16:9-20," in Let the Reader Understand: Essays in Honor of Elizabeth Struthers Malbon, ed. Edwin Broadhead (LNTS 583; London: Bloombsury/T&T Clark, 2018), 85-101.

  • "Overcoming Satan, Overcoming the World: Exploring the Cosmologies of Mark and John," in Evil in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity: Cultural, Historical, and Textual Approaches, eds. Loren Stuckenbruck and Chris Keith (WUNT; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016), 101-21.

  • "The Study of Character(s) in the Gospel of Mark: A Survey of Research from Wrede to the Performance Critics (1901-2014)," in Character Studies and the Gospel of Mark, eds. Christopher W. Skinner and Matthew Ryan Hauge (LNTS; London: Bloomsbury/T&T Clark, 2014), 3-34.

  • “Telling the Story: The Appearance and Impact of Mark as Story,” in Mark as Story: Retrospect and Prospect, eds. Kelly R. Iverson and Christopher W. Skinner (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011), 1-16.

  • "'Whom He Also Named Apostles': A Textual Problem in Mark 3:14," Bibliotheca Sacra 161 (July-Sept. 2004): 322-29.


Gospel of Thomas

(Ancient and Contemporary Reception, Transmission History)

  • “Rethinking the Transmission History and Early Reception of the Gospel of Thomas,” (forthcoming 2026). 

  • "Recent Trends in Gospel of Thomas Research (1989-2011). Part II: Genre, Theology and Relationship to the Gospel of John," Currents in Biblical Research 11 (October 2012): 65-86.

  • "The Gospel of Thomas's Rejection of Paul's Theological Ideas," in Paul and the Gospels: Christologies, Conflicts and Convergences, eds. Michael F. Bird and Joel Willitts (LNTS 411; London: T & T Clark, 2011), 220-41.



(Ancient Texts, Bible and Culture, Jesus)  

  • "Reflecting on Christian Dominion and Rethinking the Role of the ‘Kingdom of God’: Response to Janel Kragt Bakker,” Ex Auditu 36 (forthcoming 2024).

  • "Significant Nonbiblical Writings," in Scripture and Its Interpretation: A Global, Ecumenical Introduction to the Bible, ed. Michael J. Gorman (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2017), 97-114.

  • "Literacy, Iconoclasm, and a Maddening Portrait of Jesus," Syndicate 2.5 (2015): 165-70.

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