Online Writings and Other Popular-Level Publications
Online Articles
"The Gospel of Thomas,” e-clavis Christian Apocrypha database (Fall 2019)​
- Syndicate Symposium for Richard Hays’ book, Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels (Spring 2019)
Syndicate Symposium for Chris Keith’s book, Jesus Against the Scribal Elite: The Origins of the Conflict (Fall 2015)
"'Aha' Moments: Biblical Scholars Tell Their Stories," Peter Enns' Blog: Rethinking Biblical Christianity (Fall 2014)
“Who Was the Beloved Disciple?” Bible Odyssey (Spring 2014)
“1 Corinthians 13 and Weddings,” Bible Odyssey (Spring 2014)
Other Popular-Level Publications
(not currently online)
“The Gospel of Thomas,” in the Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (Leiden: Brill, 2022).
“Proverb (Genre), New Testament,” in The Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (Berlin: deGruyter, 2023).
“Salome (Daughter of Herodias),” in The Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (Berlin: deGruyter, 2023).
“The Gospel of Thomas,” in the T&T Clark Jesus Library (Spring 2022).